For Students



Fort Necessity Junior High School is a unique community school.  It is important all stakeholders (students, parents, faculty, staff, administrators, and other FPSB employees) work in unity to restore the tradition of excellence established for decades by the community and alumni of this remarkable school. The faculty believes that that the principle responsibility of our school is to educate our children. Students enrolled at Fort Necessity Junior High School are expected to maintain a standard of excellence in academics and behavior.  Parent input and involvement are important and necessary for our school to be recognized as an effective educational institution.  Please feel free to contact me if you need clarification of any policy in this handbook.  Your questions and/or comments are welcome. 




We are dedicated to academic achievement for all students.


GOALS:                1.  Motivate students at FNJH to improve academically in reading and math.

2.  Improve academic achievement of students at FNJH by providing more individualized                


                                    3.  Improve discipline/behavior of students at FNJH.

                                    4.  Increase parental involvement at FNJH.



If you need to talk with the principal, you are encouraged to call the school at (723-4793).  Because of the new regulations with Covid-19 the principal is unable to see you as a drop in. The principal will contact you as soon as her schedule permits.  You can email Mrs. Roberts at [email protected] if you would



The school day begins promptly at 7:40 a.m. Students should not arrive on campus before 7:15 a.m. because adult supervision is not available prior to unloading of the first bus.   ALL STUDENTS who plan to eat breakfast at school must arrive no later than 7:30 in order to eat and have time to get to class without being tardy.   Students arriving after 7:30 should eat breakfast at home so they will not be tardy for class and miss instruction.  Students late for class (after 7:40) are required to "check in" at the office to receive an admit slip before going to the classroom. The hall doors will be locked after 7:40. The classroom teacher is responsible for documenting the attendance of all students by 7:40 and beginning instruction as soon as possible. If you need to conference with the teacher, please check with the office and schedule an appointment during her planning time.



Students should not be dropped off before 7:15 every morning. This gives the buses time to unload because it poses a safety hazard when students are being dropped off as buses are leaving. Please drop students off in front of the office or in front of elementary building.



Students are expected to be off campus by 3:15 p.m.  If you pick up your child before 2:51 they will miss academic materials being taught.  Parents picking up children must go to the office to sign them out.  The secretary will contact your child for you.  All children are expected to be picked up promptly after school is dismissed. If you are not here by the time buses arrive, your child will be put on the bus they are assigned to take them home. If you are going to be late, please make arrangements for your child.  When students are to use a different way of leaving school at dismissal time, either by car or bus, the teacher and office must be notified in writing.  Changing a child's routine in the afternoon is discouraged because the child becomes confused about what he/she is supposed to do.



Students must be present the required number of minutes to be eligible to pass to the next grade.  Exceptions can be made only in the event of extended illness as verified by a physician and/or other extenuating circumstances approved by the principal.  “Medical excuses” are kept on file.

Early check-out:  The number of minutes the student is checked out early will be recorded.  After 60 minutes he/she will be counted as absent for 1 hour.  If your child is being checked out for extenuating circumstances an excuse may be granted by the principal.  It is important to remember checking out your child habitually causes them to miss important school work and could negatively affect their school performance. 



Parents are expected to ensure that their children arrive to school and class on time. Any student arriving after 7:40 a.m. will be considered tardy unless they have a doctor’s or dentist’s excuse.  They are required to report to the office before going to the classroom. If your child is tardy as the result of extenuating circumstances an excuse may be granted by the principal.


1. In the event that 5 unexcused tardies occur, the parent/guardian will be contacted to encourage punctuality.

2. When 10 unexcused tardies occur, the principal or assistant principal will contact the parent/guardian encouraging


3. After 15 unexcused tardies, further action may be taken.



Nutritious breakfast and lunches are served daily.  All students will be eating free this year. If a student chooses to bring his/her lunch, he may purchase milk or juice for $.30 or bring a beverage in a thermos.  No glass bottles or beverage will be allowed in the cafeteria.

Parents are welcome to eat in the cafeteria with their children.  Please consult your child’s teacher concerning the policy.  All parents should sign in upon arrival at school in the office before going to the cafeteria.  Adult prices for lunch are $2.60.



* No glass bottles or beverage cans will be allowed in the cafeteria

* Any carbonated drink must be brought in a thermos.

* No food or drink shall be taken from the cafeteria.

* Proper conduct and common rules of etiquette shall be observed in the cafeteria at all times.

* Students should talk at a proper level to those seated immediately next to them in order to keep the noise level to a    


* The eating area should be cleared of all paper before student returns his/her tray.



There will be no visitors in classrooms until Covid restrictions are lifted.  Visitors may be granted special permission by the principal to visit students or teachers under special circumstances. Visitors who use profane language will be asked to leave the campus immediately.  Fort Necessity Junior High School is a smoke free campus.  ALL VISITORS are required to follow this policy.  PROTECTING INSTRUCTIONAL TIME IS A PRIORITY AT FNJH! 










If a child becomes seriously ill or is seriously injured at school, the school will immediately get in touch with the parent.  It is imperative that each parent leave an emergency telephone number in the office in case such an event should occur. Parents will be contacted to pick up their children who become ill at school.  Students running a temperature should not come to school and be free of fever before returning to school, in order not to expose others and to speed their recovery.  A doctor or parent written excuse will be necessary for an absence to be an excused absence. All activities will be adequately supervised, however, accidents occur.  Parents must bear the expense for injuries to their children.  Parents should consider purchasing school insurance or private insurance for their children. If a student is sent home for LICE, the parents MUST get a letter from the school nurse, at the school board, before they can return to school.



If your child needs to take medication at school, the appropriate forms must be completed at the school board office through the parish nurse.



 Fort Necessity Junior High School reserves the right to inspect or search desks, students, and visitors at any time for health and safety reasons. School district administrators are authorized, under justifying circumstances, to require students or other persons under the administrator’s jurisdiction to submit to a thorough search of their person and personal belongings including, but not limited to clothing, shoes, handbags, backpacks, and wallets to seize any unauthorized materials. Any individual/student who refuses to comply or cooperate with these expectations will result in parent/guardian and local law enforcement contact, as well as possible placement at HGW and subject to other disciplinary action. If a more extensive search is required, it will be conducted by local law enforcement.



     Homework will be given on an increasing basis as your child progresses through school.  Parents may wish to set aside 20 - 45 minutes each evening.  More than 45 minutes is not advised.

     Parents and teachers should work together to see that homework is completed and returned to school.  (Homework is not necessarily assigned in each subject every night.)

     Homework serves as an important purpose in your child's school life.  It is a means of reviewing and reinforcing the lessons taught in school.  Homework is also a way to help your child to develop work and study habits that will assist him or her throughout the years spent in school.

     You can help your child develop some routines that will be of assistance in successfully completing homework assignments.  Homework will help your child grow and develop.  Please feel free to consult your child's teacher whenever there is a question about homework.  We want homework to be a help not a punishment.



The Franklin Parish School Board provides access to the Internet to students, teachers, staff, and administrators.  Any and all users of the Internet shall adhere to the policies as set forth by the Franklin Parish School Board.  All students must have an “Acceptable Use Contract and Parent Permission Form” signed by a parent and on file before they will be allowed to use the Internet. 



Bullying shall be defined as when a student is exposed repeatedly and over time to negative actions on the part of one or more students. This could include unwelcome verbal, written, electronic, or physical conduct directed at a student by another student or students. Cyber Bullying includes, but it not limited to, the following misuses of technology during the school day: harassing, teasing, intimidating, threatening, or terrorizing another student, teacher, or employee of the District by sending or posting inappropriate or derogatory email messages, instant messages, text messages, digital pictures or images, or web site postings. Fort Necessity will not tolerate known acts of harassment or bullying occurring on the school property, at school-sponsored activities scheduled on or off school grounds or during the time students necessarily spend traveling to and from school or school-sponsored activities.


Complaints of harassment, bullying, or cyber-bulling shall be investigated promptly, and corrective action shall be taken when a complaint is verified. Neither reprisals nor retaliations shall occur as a result of the submission of a complaint.

Bullying/Cyber Bullying lessons will be taught the first week of school to educate students on this topic.



Students are not permitted to wear clothing that might cause a disruption of the educational process or that might send an inappropriate message to others. Good judgement should prevail on a student’s part by not wearing clothing that:

  • Causes a great deal of attention to students
  • Displays obscene or suggestive words
  • Promotes the use of alcohol, tobacco, or illegal drugs
  • Constitutes a health or safety hazard.


The Franklin Parish School Board has adopted a uniform policy which is in effect for the 2019-2020 school year.  Parents are encouraged to write the name of the student on the inside of jackets or coats when they are purchased.    

  1. Shirts are to be navy blue, red, or white polo style.
  2. Pants are to be uniform pants in khaki or navy blue.No cargo pants.Pants are not to be cut, torn, or written on. No skin tight pants will be allowed. Just because they have a School Uniform tag does not make them appropriate to wear to school. It is up to the discretion of the principal and assistant principal to make a determination on the appropriateness of their attire. Skin tight clothes will not be allowed.
  3. Pants are to fit properly.No sagging, bagging, or showing of underwear.
  4. Belts are to be worn at all times.
  5. Navy or khaki uniform skirts are to be knee length.
  6. Tennis shoes or leather shoes/boots (navy, brown, or black) will be allowed.No sandals.Open heels are acceptable, but no open toes.No house shoes or slippers will be allowed.
  7. Only FNJH pullover sweatshirts will be allowed.
  8. Girls must be properly covered.Undershirts must not be low-cut, sports bras, or camisoles.
  9. The Franklin Parish School Board expects all students in the parish to take personal pride in themselves by keeping their bodies and clothes clean and free from body odor.Students may be sent home for showers when deemed necessary.
  10. Students should wear all conventional undergarments.
  11. No caps/hats are to be worn inside school building. Bandanas are not accepted as “headbands” for female students.
  12. Hair must be clean and neatly groomed.Dyed hair & braided/sewed-in hair must be a natural color; not purple, green, blue, purple, polka dotted, spotted, etc…
  13. Hair may not hang down in student’s eye(s).
  14. Hair rollers, pin curls, scarves, bandanas, or any extreme hair styles will not be allowed. Girls will not be allowed to wear bandanas on their head.
  15. Make-up must not be excessive. No face paintings.
  16. Faces will be clean shaven.
  17. Sideburns must not come below the bottom of the ear lobes and must not be excessively flared.
  18. Student dress, jewelry, personal appearance, and conduct are required to be of such character as not to disrupt or distract from the orderly educational process of the school.Any style or appearance which tends to diminish instructional effectiveness or the discipline control by teachers is not acceptable.
  19. Footwear must be worn in school facilities and on school grounds at all times.
  20. Students are not allowed to wear sunglasses at school.
  21. Male students are prohibited from wearing earrings or straws of any kind.
  22. Pants worn below the waist, sagging stride, or showing underwear are prohibited.
  23. All students must have shirts tucked in, must have on a belt, and belt must be buckled at the waist.
  24. No depression or holey pants are permitted.
  25. Gang symbols and paraphernalia may not be worn.
  26. Students may not wear pants leg(s) pulled or rolled up.
  27. Knee length/Uniform Shorts may be worn by Pre-K through Eighth grade.
  28. The entire length of the belt must be worn inside the loops.Hanging of any part of the belt outside the belt loops is not allowed.
  29. Shoestrings are to be worn in lace up shoes.They are to be laced and tied at all times.
  30. Combs/brushes are not to be visible in the hair or pockets.
  31. Tongue rings, eyebrow rings, nose rings or any visible piercings are prohibited.Girls may wear earrings in their ears.
  32. Shirt length must allow for the raising of a student’s arms over one’s head with no bare skin visible around the midriff


Blue Jean Day

  1. On days designated as blue jean days, students may wear their jeans with a school uniform shirt or a spirit shirt that has Fort Necessity or Eagles on it. There will be designated days that students can wear their Patriot shirts.
  2. Blue jeans must be solid colors.
  3. Sweat pants nor Tights will be allowed on blue jean day.
  4. Students who wear dress inappropriately on blue jean day will have their blue jean privileges taken away for the rest of that semester. 


Free Dress Day

  1. No halter tops, crop tops, tank tops, see-through shirts, or t-shirts with scantily clothed men or women on them. Students are not to wear solid white t-shirts as outerwear. Sleeveless shirts should have shoulder straps at least 3 inches wide.
  2. No jogging pants, sweat pants, or wind pants. No jeans with holes in them.
  3. Dresses are to be knee length. No sundresses.
  4. No clothing with degrading, profane, offensive language, or advertising of alcohol, tobacco, or drugs.
  5. Nothing sleeveless.
  6. The showing of stomachs, backs, and underwear is strictly prohibited.
  7. Students may wear their open-toed shoes on Free Dress Day.


**Students improperly dressed will call home for a change of clothes and wait in detention until they arrive.


Penalties for Uniform Violations

1st Offense:           Warning

2nd Offense:          Warning

3rd Offense:           Student is assigned in-school suspension for 1 day

4th Offense:           Student is assigned in-school suspension for 2 days

5th Offense:           Student is assigned in-school suspension for 3 days

6th Offense:           Student shall be recommended for expulsion from regular education and therefore, recommended to the  

                             Franklin Parish Alternative School.



The successful and effective operation of any organization requires that certain structures, procedures, and rules are in place. Fort Necessity Junior High is no exception. It’s necessary that students and parents become familiar with the major rules at the school. A claim that one did not know that something was against the rules is not a valid excuse.


The following rules have been established for the safety of all the children.

1.  Students are expected to respect school officials, self, and other students.

2.  Students are expected to conduct themselves in an orderly manner in the classroom, on the playground, in the halls, going to and from the bus, on the bus, in the cafeteria, or at any school-sponsored activity.  Fighting at school, going to or from school (on the bus or walking home) will be dealt with by the teacher or principal.  FIGHTING ANYTIME IS CONSIDERED A SEVERE DISRUPTION AND WILL BE DEALT WITH ACCORDINGLY.

3.  Students are expected to come to class prepared to work, with required materials and assignments completed.

4.  Students are not to congregate, play, or rough-house in the restrooms.

5.  Personal equipment and toys are not to be brought to school unless approved by the teacher.

6.  Profanity and vulgarity WILL NOT be tolerated.  This is considered a severe disruption and will be dealt with accordingly.

7.  Any other behavior not listed which is considered by the principal to be unacceptable and not in the best interest of Fort Necessity Junior High School WILL NOT be allowed.

*Parents or guardians will be responsible for damages committed by children who participate in vandalism or fighting.

8.  Students are not allowed to bring cell phones, Ipods, MP3 players, or any other electronic devices to school. If a student brings their phones/electronic device, school is not responsible if phone is stolen or broken.


            School Board Policy Consequences for bringing electronic devices to school:

            1st Offense:      Device is confiscated and can only be picked up by a parent after  

signing parent release/notification form no sooner than the next day. 

2nd Offense:      Device is confiscated and student is subject to 3 day in-school suspension.  Parent may pick up the phone after signing parent release/notification form.

3rd Offense:      Device is confiscated and student is subject to 5 days in-school suspension.  Parent may pick up the phone after signing parent release/notification form.

4th Offense:      Device is confiscated and student may be sent to Horace G. White for a period of time. Parent may pick up the phone after signing parent release/notification form.


In School Suspension Procedures

  1. All students are checked with a wand before entering ISS to check for cell phones.
  2. All backpacks and purses are left in the front of the room (with the teacher) when students enter.
  3. Students will have paper and pencil in cubicle (nothing else).
  4. Students will complete a 25 word essay on why they are in ISS. Essay will be readable and neat or it

     will be done again.

  5. Student will complete a written assignment to encourage the student not to return to the I.S.S. room. When finished the student will complete work sent from teachers.
  6. Failure to finish any part of the assignment or failure to comply with any rule will result in an additional day in I.S.S.


ISS Rules:


  1. No talking. All communication will be by writing.No sounds.
  2. Stay in desk at all times.
  3. No sleeping, No head on desk.
  4. Students must work at all times.
  5. Bathroom Break 1 will be at 9:40 and Break 2 will be at 2:05. NO others will be allowed.
  6. Lunch is in the ISS Room at 11:00 with a restroom break right after.
  7. No writing on desks or cubicles.
  8. No gum, food, or drink of any kind.
  9. 3 Strike Policy: 3 violations of Rules/Procedure and student will be sent to office for possible Alternative school placement.



Students should obey rules written for each classroom.  If any of these rules are broken, he/she will be disciplined according to the teacher’s posted classroom discipline plan



Many phone messages are received from parents for their children during school hours. This creates some confusion and classroom disruptions when messages are delivered during the instructional day. To avoid this, parents are encouraged to send notes to their child’s teacher. Parents are asked to call the school only in the case of emergency.



We expect and require all students of the school, regardless of age and grade, to obey the rules set up for conduct in the classroom, hall, walkway, cafeteria, bus, campus, or any other activity sponsored by the school.


Louisiana law authorizes every teacher and bus driver to hold every pupil to strict accountability for orderly conduct at school and enroute to or from school.






All students are expected to come to school ready to learn. 

All students will be treated in a fair and consistent manner as outlined by the Franklin Parish School Board Policy Manual.


I.          Students will follow classroom rules/procedures as outlined by their teacher on the classroom discipline plan.  Removal from class can result from any of the following:

                a.  disrupts normal classroom activities

                b.  is disrespectful to a teacher

                c.  willfully disobeys a teacher

                d.  uses abusive or foul language

                e.  interferes with the orderly education process

                f.   poses a threat to safety of pupils

g.  violates school dress code



II.           Consequences when sent to office:

                a.  Warning / Parent notified; *

                b.  Corporal Punishment / Contact Parent / Parent Conference as soon as possible *

                c.  Corporal Punishment / Mandatory Parent Conference/Student will not be allowed to return to

                    class until after conference is held*

                d.  In-School Suspension; Will remain at this level until

number of suspensions have been exhausted; Mandatory Parent Conference. *

e.  Placement at Horace G. White Learning Center


*    Principal may choose any of the following according to the reason student is referred to the office:   conference with student, teacher, parent, or all three; paddling; removal of free time; isolation; in-school suspension; placement at Horace G. White Learning Center.


III.  Any violations of the following, depending on the severity, could result in paddling, in-school suspension, or placement at Horace G. White Learning Center:

            a.  fighting

                b.  profanity or vulgar behavior

                c.  disrespect/disobedience to faculty or staff

                d.  violation of dress code

                e.  destruction of property

                f.  committing an immoral or vicious act

                g.  possession of tobacco, drugs, or alcohol

                h.  possession of a weapon

                i.  striking a teacher



All students are asked to regard the safety of others as well as themselves.

*Students are not to run on the walkway or in the building.

*Students are not to jump from swings or twist the chains of the swings.

*Students are expected to play in their assigned area(s).

*No rocks, dirt, sticks, or any other objects are to be thrown.

*Students will not use the trees for swinging or climbing.



Recess is a privilege, not a right.  Failure to obey rules will result in removal of this privilege.



All students are to go directly to the restroom and get water when recess begins.  Student use of the bathroom should be completed before the end of recess.  Students are only allowed to leave the classroom in order to go to the restroom if it is an emergency.  Students are also encouraged to use the restrooms before school begins.



The school office is a place where school business is transacted.  Students should go there only to enroll, withdraw, or when the teacher sends them.  Upon entering the office, the student should wait quietly in the reception area until the secretary is able to attend to his/her needs.  If a student or parent desires to see the principal, please tell the secretary, and the secretary will ask the principal to see you or schedule you an appointment for a conference as soon as possible.



Any student requiring the use of the telephone must get permission from the office personnel.  Pupils will not be called to the telephone except in cases of emergency.  Students will not be allowed to use the phone at school except in cases of illness.  All students should have an emergency telephone number on file in the office.  Any student caught using the telephone without permission is subject to in-school suspension.



The janitorial workroom is off limits to all students.  All students must have permission from a responsible person before entering the workroom.



The grading scale for students attending Fort Necessity Junior High School is as follows:

                                    Satisfactory --------------------------- S

                                    Needs Improvement ----------------- N

                                    Unsatisfactory ------------------------ U

                        Percent                                                 Converted Letter Grade

                        100 - 93                                                           A

                         92 -  85                                                           B

                         84 -  75                                                           C

                         74 -  67                                                           D

                         66 and below                                                   F



Progress Reports will be sent home the third week of each six weeks.  Report Cards will be sent home on a six-week schedule.  Students will be recognized school wide for honor roll and Perfect Attendance.


Honor Roll Only core courses are used when determining honor roll. Students with a “B” average (3.0 GPA) or higher in all core subjects, with no grade lower than a “C” (no “D’s” or “F’s”), are considered for Honor Roll.  In grades 6-12, P.E. is used when determining this average.

In grades K-5, P.E., Gifted, Incentive, and Enrichment grades are not considered core subjects and are not used when calculating GPA for honor roll.


AR Awards - A student who reads and earns their set AR points will be eligible to attend AR parties that will be held twice a year. Students with most points in each grade will be recognized with awards at the end of the year.





 Textbooks are the property of the parish and are only loaned to the student for a period of time.  The student shall account for loss of or unnecessary abuse to a book.  Textbooks should be returned to school each day in order to avoid loss.



The Franklin Parish School System does not condone discrimination on the basis of sex or physical condition.  Should you feel that you are the victim of discrimination, you should contact the principal.  The Franklin Parish School Board has established an official grievance process.



Fun Day

It is up to the discretion of the teachers to decide if a student has earned the right to attend fun day according to rules set ahead of time. NO STUDENT WILL BE ALLOWED ON FUN DAY IF THEY HAVE MORE THAN 3 DISCIPLINE REFERRALS OR IF THEY HAVE 10 OR MORE UNEXCUSED ABSENCES.



To avoid class disruptions, gifts, flowers, and/or balloons are to be delivered to the office only.  They will be distributed at the end of the school day.  Individual birthday parties need to be approved by the classroom teacher and a Principal.



No student will walk unless they have met all criteria for graduation. If a student is not graduating, no refund will be given for their cap and gown. It will be given to the student.



We urge you to become acquainted with the teachers and administrative staff.  Because of Covid restrictions, teachers will be available for phone conferences during their planning time. Call the school in advance to schedule phone conferences.  Please contact your child's teacher before contacting the principal in order to keep open communication.



















Dear Parent or Guardian:

Welcome to a new school year at Fort Necessity Junior High. We are looking forward to a wonderful year filled with many learning experiences for our students. We know when our students, parents, and teachers work together that great things are possible.

The enclosed policies were designed to inform you of the regulations and policies that are in place in our school. Please take time to carefully read the documents. If you have any questions, please contact me for clarification.

The signed acknowledgment sheet will provide a record that you and your child have received and reviewed the policies and agree to comply with the rules and regulations set forth by the Franklin Parish School Board and Fort Necessity Junior High.




Chris Roberts, Principal










I acknowledge that a copy of the 2020-2021 Fort Necessity Jr. High Student Handbook is posted online.  My child and I have reviewed the following Franklin Parish/Fort Necessity Jr. High Policies:


Discipline Policy

School/Parent/Student Compact

Consent to Use Google

Parental Involvement Policy


My child and I agree to comply with the rules and regulations set forth in the policies.


Parent/Guardian’s Signature _______________________________________________________________________


Child’s Signature _________________­­­­­­­­­­­____________________________________________________________________